Trees For Burnley

Do you care about trees in Burnley?

Help us care for them!

tree waiting for a volunteer to help
Trees for Burnley Volunteers are friendly and have a great sense of community when it comes to keeping Burnley's woodland alive.

Help us protect and preserve Burnley's Natural Heritage for generations to come.

Help Out… All Welcome

If you are interested and have a spare couple of hours, come and help out. No prior experience is necessary.

Families and children, all ages and abilities are welcome. We can always find something useful for you to do.

Activity Days Every Month

Monthly Sunday activity days 10:30 am – 1:00pm

If you'd like to join us, please see where we are working on the Work Plan page – you're welcome to turn up and help!

Full training, safety awareness and tools are provided. All you need is sturdy footwear eg. wellies or boots and appropriate clothing for the weather.

We also advise you bring a packed lunch (if you plan on staying all day) and a drink as many of our venues are isolated and there will not be any shops nearby.

volunteer working with trees for burnley after a session of trees for burnley volunteers after a session working with trees for burnley